Every Thursday we showcase a pet currently being cared for at the Alliston & District Humane Society!
This week, we spoke with ADHS Volunteer Emily about Ruby the Bunny!
Ruby is a little red-eyed white dwarf rabbit who has distinctive grey ears and a grey spot on her little face.
She’s just over two pounds and she’ll be approximately 3 years old in 2023.
Ruby has been spayed since weaning her small litter of kits who were born in June 2022.
Ruby will warm up to you once she gets to know you and know that she’s safe with you.Like many rabbits, Ruby isn’t a fan of being picked up but she does like to be petted on her own terms. This bunny girl is ready for a forever home with a patient bunny person.
If you believe that that person could be you, please complete an online adoption application here:https://allistonhumane.com/small-animals